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    Dr. Nyingchuo | The Sent Man of RHIM FM Global

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    Dr. Nyingchuo | The Sent Man of RHIM FM Global

Dr. Nyingchuo Bertrand Nsom is the founder and chairman of Royal Heralds International Movement For Missions (RHIM FM Global), also referred to as The Sent Man. He is a passionate lover of Jesus and a young dynamic man who desires to create a change in his generation. He knew the Lord Jesus and surrendered his life to Him as a young boy in Primary 5. 

Nyingchuo Bertrand hails from the North West region of Cameroon, precisely from a village called Aboh in Anyajua, Boyo division. He was the overall best student for Boyo division at the GCE Ordinary Level for the 2013/2014 academic year. He served as the youth president of the Cameroon Baptist Convention church in Fundong for five years and as the Senior Perfect Boy of Government Bilingual High School Fundong, where he obtained his Advanced Level. He did his postgraduate studies for a DMD (Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry) at the prestigious Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé 1, where he graduated with a First Class Honours. He is a practicing Dentist in the city of Yaoundé, a business consultant and runs a business coaching academy. He has authored a good number of books especially on the Christian faith and entrepreneurship (e.g The Ingredients Of Fresh Impact, He Gave Them the Right, The New Convert’s Meal, Wisdom for 21st Century Business Minds, etc). He is the convener of the Feast of Teknons, NLC (New Life Conference), Prayercetamol Overdose and the anchorman of the Voice of Grace telecast.

Dr. Nyingchuo Bertrand has multiple certifications on leadership from the Cameroon Baptist Convention, multiple trainings on evangelism and discipleship from Campus Crusade for Christ, a national certification from the National Civic Service Agency for Participation in Development delivered by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education and a Vacation Bible School certificate awarded by Bethel Baptist Church Etoudi in 2010. 

As an itinerant preacher, he has preached in almost all the regions of Cameroon in hinterland crusades, rural outreaches, citywide gospel campaigns, camps, revival meetings, etc and for various congregations and local churches. His evangelistic ministry is accompanied by a very strong and palpable divine presence that makes room for massive harvest of souls, tremendous healing miracles, deep prophetic showers, amazing signs and wonders, etc. Though lumps have literally disappeared from people’s bodies in his meetings, barren women conceived, deadly medical reports changed, etc, he has maintained that his highest passion and greatest joy is to see sinners saved and established in the faith. That remains his focus everywhere he goes. As the firebrand Apostolic Herald of the gospel mandated to lead the RHIM FM Global battalion, he has faithfully shouldered the assignment to reveal Jesus to this dark world and catapult men from the dungeon of sin to the glorious light of grace by the revelation of the Word, the demonstration of the Spirit’s power and the replication of Christ in the lives of men. While growing up, he was referred to as the “fiery preacher boy” and the statement that best summarized his life was “Jesus in action, impact in motion and greatness in process.” Because the Almighty commands his submission, he is commanding the attention of his generation. Dr. Nyingchuo Bertrand Nsom is a man sent from God for this generation!

Connect with Dr. Nyingchuo
Tel: (+237) 621 124 954/676 438 694/682 969 781
Email: heraldnyinchuobertrand@gmail.com
Facebook/Instagram: Dr. Herald Nyingchuo/Itinerant Herald Nyingchuo
TikTok: medic_on_fire
LinkedIn: Dr. Nyingchuo Bertrand

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